Monthly Archives: October 2008


Once again I am posting another production of my younger brother, Justin. Me and my brothers were home schooled growing up and because of that, we have many people who we can impersonate in videos. I’m thankful for the chance to be homeschooled, it was a great time in my life and thanks to my Mom for putting up with four boys running around making videos, wrestling, and eating a lot of food. The main reason that I think my brothers and I didn’t turn out “socially inept” (like most people think of home-schoolers) is that my parents lived a life of ministry and love to other people.

This video is hilarious. Hope you enjoy it.

It’s all about me

This video explains the real monster…the ME monster. This video is hilarious, but it is so true.

“Do not be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.” Philippians 2:3

The breakdown…

Here’s a video from Fusion weekend that Justin (my brother), Casey, and I did for the youth. We had a lot of fun with it!

What do you think?

Youth camp

I have been thinking a lot lately about youth camp. I’ve been to them every year since I was thirteen, they ranged from the “rough and tough” to the “super flashy-big name speaker” camps.

I’m planning next year’s camp and for me it has become a much more in-depth search rather than picking a date and a camp organization. I remember the year I went to a camp in Shocco Springs, Alabama and I was 14 years old. One night at worship I began to hear God’s call on my life. The memory sticks in mind so clearly today! It was a night of camp where we were challenged to seek God with our whole heart and life. It was that night that God began calling me into ministry…Camp holds a special place in my life because of the environment for students to hear clearly from God away from all distractions.

Camp is powerful and with all of the different options today, I’m left with a few questions to find the very best camp for my students.

What is the purpose of the camp?

What is their philosophy of ministering to students?

Is the camp pastor and band true examples of Christ on and off the stage?

I’m curious out there in “blog-land” if you have any comments to add on youth camp? What made camp exciting and special to you?


God has been teaching me so many things lately. One of those is that we do not need to fear because of the power and work of Christ!

I’m excited about the youth series coming up. It is going to be focused upon:

Students finding their calling to be a hero in their generation for Christ.

God has been showing me through His word that as believers we are “more than conquerors through Christ…” Romans 8 speaks of the love that God has for us and that nothing can separate us from Him.

It is easy to lose heart with all the negativity in today’s culture when it comes to living for Christ. Christians are many times viewed as weak, uninformed, hateful, etc…

I pray that this generation of students rises up to meet the world with the message of Jesus.

What do you think?