Monthly Archives: September 2007


It is gameday…big game today between FSU and Alabama. I have to be honest. I’ve been bummed that I am not going to the game. Seeing that it is in Jacksonville and the largest crown in Jacksonville stadium’s history…well…yeah…and I only live 15 minutes away…
So go Noles! haha…we shall see what happens.

Had a great time playing some b’ball with some of the youth! Lots of mosquito swatting and all so it was a good time.

I’m excited that we are going skiing in January! The trip is all set to go and I can not wait. There is something about cold weather, snow, skis and downhill that gets me pumped. Can’t wait to hit the black diamond!

My prayer for Elevate students is that we continue to grow into a core of students that serve Jesus! I can see the growth from January and I desire to see more students come to know Jesus!
There are many people that need an encouraging word…encourage somebody today!

Have an awesome Saturday and keep your eyes on Jesus.

Jesus is the center…

It was a lot of fun last night at Elevate! haha…”Whose room is it anyway” was hilarious…I wonder whose room will be next week?

I’m excited that God is doing a work in the youth group. I was reading this morning in Colossians 1:15-16,

“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities-all things were created through Him and for Him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”

What an awesome description of Jesus…Last night at Elevate was the last week on prayer and why it’s important in our lives. I was reminded again by this passage that Jesus must be the center of our lives.

Colossians 1:17b says, “and in him all things hold together.”
Not only is God the creator, but He is what holds the universe in place…God has such a great answer to the world, He came to save those who are lost…he came to show us a new way through Jesus Christ.

Why must we make Christianity so difficult? It is the power of God in us…”If anyone is in Christ He is a new creation, old things have passed away, behold all things are new!”

What i’m learning in my own life is that Jesus must be the center of my relationships, my attitude, my thoughts, my desires…It has been a journey to find out how much I need Jesus to change me every day. I do not want to become stagnant and go through my daily motions without a fresh word from God and letting His word saturate my life.

I pray that we as Christians throw aside every weight that is holding us down and look to Jesus as our source of life and believe that He is stronger and mightier than any obstacle we face in this life.

Sweet. Jesus loves you.

See You At the Pole tomorrow!!


Remember tomorrow morning at 7am at your school’s flagpole to come and pray!

Pray for your friends, family and your school! Pray that many come to know Jesus!!

I’m excited to see how God works through See you at the pole throughout Jacksonville and the world! Uniting students together to pray is an awesome chance to see a revival in America!

Have an awesome day!


Beautiful day! I hope you are all doing great.

Reminder for Elevate this week! This is our last week on our series: “What prayer is all about anyway?”

Come on out! God has been working in many lives, keep praying for people who need the Lord and an encouraging word!

Special video this wednesday night…”Whose room is it anyway!!!” It is hilarious!

Who will it be this week!?!? Come find out…

Also, tonight at 6:30 the student ministry is going out to visit and encourage students! Be in the ATRIUM to get the “low down” on where we will be going and all! We will hang out afterwards, maybe grab some food to eat!

Focus on God today…remember that He loves you and wants to use you to be an example to other people!

Awesome stuff

God is so good…

We had a great time at youth last night…God showed up last night and worked in some lives, encouraged some and helped others to find a relationship with Christ.
Nothing thrills my heart more than getting a voicemail from a student that had given her life to Christ with her mom after Elevate! I definitly saved that voicemail…It was great to see that students are responding to God and desire a relationship with Him. Students are hurting in so many ways…Even though the news speaks of students and how horrible and bleak it is…God still changes lives! sweet.

Anyways…It has been raining like crazy for the last few days…I can’t wait to go surf when it clears up! Let me know if you want to go!

Keep seeking after Jesus and remember to share Him with others!