Monthly Archives: December 2007

Happy New Year

   I hope you all have an amazing time celebrating the New Year! I hope that your Christmas was a blessing and a great time with your family. I’ve had a blast in South Carolina visiting with my family. Jordan my brother is back from the hospital today and is doing good, me and my family appreciate the prayers for his cancer.

I’m excited to start 2008 together and see what God has in store for us! We are starting back this Wednesday night @ 6:30. Make sure you are there and bring some friends to enjoy our time together. We will have some exciting worship, games and a time focusing on God’s Word. The Series we are in this month is called “Life 180” and we will look at how to be a sold out follower of Christ.

Student Life Tour is coming up on January 19-21st! Be praying about this trip and all that God will do in each person that is a part of it.

Camp deposits are due on JANUARY 23rd! Camp is July 14-18, make sure you mark your calendars, you do not want to miss out on this awesome camp experience. For more info go to the Elevate website:   Click on the “Camp Information Packet” for more info.

I will be ordering Elevate T-shirts soon, if you want one, I need $8!

Have an awesome New year’s Eve!

Time with family

It has been a wonderful Christmas here in South Carolina. It has been awesome to see Jordan and the rest of my family. For those of you who do not know, Jordan is undergoing Chemo-therapy and Radiation for a cancer on his leg and ankle. He is doing well and it has been great to hang out with him and go to treatments.

I got to see a lot of extended family, 3 of my aunts came to visit for Christmas so that was cool to see them. I’m reminded of how important family is during this time of year. It has been hard to see how much cancer affects so many people, just this week I’ve learned more and more about God’s deliverance and his love no matter the situation. My little brother has shown me that his faith is strong and has been an example to me of trusting God. He wears a wristband that says, “Live Strong.” Not only is he living strong but is positive about his life and situation. He has been through 7 surgeries since August and the doctors are positive about his progress.

I’m excited about the new year and the chance to see God work in Jacksonville. Please pray for my brother Jordan that God will heal him up and strengthen him back to health.

Lastly, my prayer is that God would move in the hearts of people this upcoming year and that revival would spread and many people come to know Jesus as their Savior. I’m pumped about people’s lives being changed!

Romans 5:2-5 has been a passage I’ve been focusing on…

“And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.”

Jesus is the true hope through anything life can throw at you.

It’s Christmas time!

I just want to say that I love this time of year. Today it finally feels like Christmas. I surfed on Friday morning and it was amazing. The waves were chest high and glassy, Blair was out there with me and we had a blast. The temperature was almost 80 and I looked at him and said, “People are shoveling snow right now and we are surfing on a warm, sunny day!” It was good times, it reminds me how awesome it is to live in Florida. Florida can be random….Today it seems like it is 30 degrees with the wind blowing, a few days ago I was wearing shorts and had the A/C going?!
I’ve been here in Jacksonville since I graduated last December and it has been quite a journey. God has taught me so much, how much more I need Him. God continues to show me that I must stay close to Him in all things.

Christmas time is special…Jesus came as an child into a world that ended up putting him on a cross. The blood is special. The very blood Jesus shed is what makes Christmas so amazing to me. Yes, it is Jesus’ birthday, but the blood that he shed for you and me on the cross is what brings us new life. He paid our sin debt by His blood. God has given me a second chance, without Him I am hopeless for eternity.

This brings joy to my life!

1 John 2:2 says,
“He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the world.”

The word “Propitiation” (To read more on this) simply put is Jesus completely satisfied the just demands of a holy God for judgment on sin, by His death on the Cross of Calvary.

He paid the price for you and me. During Christmas remember when you buy gifts that Jesus gave us the gift of salvation! What am amazing Savior!

Huckabee is the man

I have been keeping up with the presidential race over the last few weeks. Although politics is a touchy subject for some, I find it so vital to know and understand candidates and what they stand for. Mike Huckabee is by far the best candidate in the race. Why?

He is straightforward about the issues and i appreciate his attitude in answering questions. Check out his stance here: Huckabee-is-da-man

Yep, so I hope he makes it all the way. It is nice to see a candidate care enough to be honest on where he stands. He doesn’t give you a “run around” answer like most other candidates. Most of the Republican candidates are decent but Huckabee is a definite stand-out. I’m just throwing out what I think, this is in no way a bash on any other candidate. But up to this point, Chuck Norris has backed Huckabee…so pretty much that means he is the man once again…haha. seriously.

Check out this video:

…thoughts for today

I have been on quite a journey in my life. Today I was reminded that my life is a gift from God. I am quickly learning daily that I am nothing without Jesus Christ. But I am something because of Jesus Christ in me.

My heart is heavy for students.

My heart is heavy for students that need encouragement, love, acceptance, friendships, freedom from pain, freedom from abuse, and much more. Being in Jacksonville I drive along roads filled with students. Questions roll around in my mind…”Have they ever heard of Jesus?”…”are they hurting?”…”Will we be able to reach out to them?”

Psalm 62:1-2 sums up my feelings on people that need a loving Savior…

“For God alone my soul waits in silence; from Him comes my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken.”